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School Supplies 2024-2025

Renton School District will again provide school supplies for all elementary and middle school students. School supplies will be provided in classrooms at the start of the school year and families will pay a low, one-time fee of $30 ($10 for families on free/reduced lunch) for enough school supplies for the entire school year. Students should bring their own backpacks and lunchboxes.

Families can pay the one-time fee online through their Online Payment account. Families who wish can continue to purchase and bring their own school supplies.

High school students will continue to provide their own school supplies: class specific supply lists will be provided in classrooms as school begins.

El Distrito Escolar de Renton nuevamente proporcionará útiles escolares para todos los estudiantes de primaria y secundaria. Los útiles escolares se proporcionarán en las aulas al comienzo del año escolar y las familias pagarán una tarifa única baja de $ 30 ($10 para familias con almuerzo gratis o reducido) por suficientes útiles escolares para todo el año escolar. Los estudiantes deben traer sus propias mochilas y loncheras.Las familias pueden pagar la tarifa única en línea a través de su cuenta Online Payment.Las familias que lo deseen pueden continuar comprando y traer sus propios útiles escolares.

Los estudiantes de secundaria continuarán proporcionando sus propios útiles escolares: se proporcionarán listas de útiles escolares específicas en las aulas cuando comiencen las clases.

Start of School Schedule 2024-2025

Start of School for Renton School District's 2024-2025 School Year:

  • Grades 1-12: Wednesday, Aug. 28
    • Late Start Friday, Aug. 30 (All schools start 90 minutes later than regular start time most Fridays thru the school year for staff training)
    • NO SCHOOL MONDAY, SEPT. 2 (Labor Day)
  • Kindergarten and Ready K: Tuesday, Sept. 3
  • Preschool (Meadow Crest Early Learning Center): Wednesday, Sept. 4

Important Information:

See and download our 2024-2025 School Year Calendar 

See School Start & Dismissal Times

Read our Family Back-to-School newsletter with information about:

  • School bus route information being emailed to families by Aug. 26 (please check your email). Families can also check their Family Skyward Access account for bus route information.
  • School breakfast and lunch meals free this year for nearly all students
  • Low-cost school supplies provided to all elementary and middle school students
  • New passwords needed for students to login to district laptop and Skyward account
  • Families can use current login/password to access new Skyward account
  • Student physicals and updated immunizations
  • Annual notices